poezia HOLY NIGHT de Flosavant versurile poeziei HOLY NIGHT scrisa de poetul Flosavant

roversuri.ro > Litera F > Flosavant > Poezia HOLY NIGHT de Flosavant



HOLY NIGHT There is nothing as bright And as mysterious, As the Holy Night And the birth of Jesus. We were teached about the story Since we came to this world And learned to praise the glory Off he holy birth of our Lord. May the joy of Christmas Be we with you this night, As well as with your loved ones, With the world and with every child.

Versuri versuri poezii.ro poezii.ro Flosavant scrisa de literatura rime versuri autor literatura descarca versuri rime. Versurile poeti straini HOLY NIGHT de dragoste scoala poezie versuri cultura.

Alte poezii de Flosavant
Cele mai cerute poezii
  1. aripioare de argint de emilia caldararu
  2. tabla inmultirii cu sapte de Vasile Romanciuc
  3. de
  4. soarele si copiii de elena dragos
  5. locuinta din dumbrava de
  6. la sanius de ion agarbiceanu
  7. mostenirea de otilia cazimir
  8. in ajun de anul nou de ion agarbiceanu
  9. eva de ion pillat
  10. de Vasile Romanciuc
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