poezia Nu stim de Florian Dorr in engleza de Flosavant versurile poeziei Nu stim de Florian Dorr in engleza scrisa de poetul Flosavant

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Poezia Nu stim de Florian Dorr in engleza


WE DON'T KNOW We donĂ¢€˜t know the why and what Will hit us the next day... We think we understand a lot, But we don't get the why and what Pain will hit us the next day... The laws are made by others, On earth as well as in heaven And we really don't know Why and when the next blow Wiil happen... May be it's better so, May be it's not... May be it's better not to ask why It happens as it does and to try To keep in touch with life And keep the best memories alife, In our heart and mind... For ever to remind The love we've got...

Autor poetul poetul scriitor versuri poezii.ro versurile poeziei Flosavant descarca. Versurile poeziei romana versuri versuri scriitor scoala versuri versurile poeti straini versurile poeziei versuri scrisa de Nu stim de Florian Dorr in engleza.

Alte poezii de Flosavant
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  3. de
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  5. locuinta din dumbrava de
  6. la sanius de ion agarbiceanu
  7. mostenirea de otilia cazimir
  8. in ajun de anul nou de ion agarbiceanu
  9. eva de ion pillat
  10. de Vasile Romanciuc
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