poezia As time goes by de Flosavant versurile poeziei As time goes by scrisa de poetul Flosavant

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Poezia As time goes by


AS TIME GOES BY... As time goes by, I begin to ask why This all happens to me, As it happens... I guess I know the answer: It was so meant to be! 02.11.2010

Literatura versurile autor autor poet Flosavant rime descarca romana versuri versuri. Romana poeti straini limba romana As time goes by scriitor poezie cartea.

Alte poezii de Flosavant
Cele mai cerute poezii
  1. aripioare de argint de emilia caldararu
  2. tabla inmultirii cu sapte de Vasile Romanciuc
  3. de
  4. soarele si copiii de elena dragos
  5. locuinta din dumbrava de
  6. la sanius de ion agarbiceanu
  7. mostenirea de otilia cazimir
  8. in ajun de anul nou de ion agarbiceanu
  9. eva de ion pillat
  10. de Vasile Romanciuc
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