poezia Open your heart de Flosavant versurile poeziei Open your heart scrisa de poetul Flosavant

roversuri.ro > Litera F > Flosavant > Poezia Open your heart de Flosavant

Poezia Open your heart


OPEN YOUR HEART... Open your heart And listen to mine, To the song of love Rising to the sky. Open your soul To receive mine --- No one will know Except God in heaven. I know you don't believe me And think all would be Too hard, but listen to me, It's easy, you shall see. Cause I know I love you, Though no one yet knows it -- Cause I know you love me, Though you don't say it. Instead, you always say You can't or will not listen, But this I can't believe Without a serious reason. You name a lot of them, But I don't believe any.. And declare them not existent, Cause I am so persistent. And if someone will ask me About that, I will tell him, It was about something else And I've been a bit crazy. If you will ask me why I did write you this lie, I'll answer that it wasn't me, It is my heart...who is guilty.

Versurile Flosavant limba romana poeti straini versurile poeziei versuri Open your heart versurile poeziei poezie. Limba romana descarca literatura autor cuvintele scrisa de poezia cuvinte versuri literatura versuri poezia.

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