poezia Our world and my poetry de Flosavant versurile poeziei Our world and my poetry scrisa de poetul Flosavant

roversuri.ro > Litera F > Flosavant > Poezia Our world and my poetry de Flosavant

Poezia Our world and my poetry


Our world and my poetry... I tried to write... About what I thought To be black or white In people's mind.... But, I realize That I can't write The much I ought, To describe The inner universe Of people's mind and soul --- So infinte.. As the one's We've been from... You should therefore try to be Tolerant towards my poetry, If it seems not to be According to your philosophy... But however be cautious and aware: The human world is not welfare!

Versuri poet romana poezii.ro poezia cultura cultura cuvintele scoala poezie. Our world and my poetry cultura cultura versuri poeti straini rime autor scriitor cine a scris cuvintele Flosavant limba romana.

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